Awards Criteria
ACMLA Honorary Membership Awards Recipients
ACMLA Honours Awards Recipients
- 2014: David Jones
- 2007: Heather McAdam
- 2006: Trudy Bodak
- 2003: Patrick McIntyre,
Grace Welch
- 2002: Louis Cardinal, Richard Pinnell
- 2001: Pierre Lépine, Velma Parker
- 2000: Cathy Moulder, Ron Whistance-Smith
- 1999: Alberta Auringer Wood
- 1998: Edward H. Dahl
- 1997: Cheryl Woods
- 1993: Lorraine Dubreuil
- 1992: Frances Woodward
- 1991: Hugo L. P. Stibbe, Yves Tessier
- 1990: Maureen Wilson
- 1989: Aileen Desbarats, Barbara Farrell
- 1987: Joan Winearls
- 1986: Theodore E. Layng, Betty M. Kidd, Kate Donkin
- 1985: Norman L. Nicholson, Louis M. Sebert, Serge A. Sauer
- 1982: Serge A. Sauer
- 1975: Serge A. Sauer
ACMLA Certificates of Appreciation
- 2007: Earth Sciences Branch
- 2006: Derek Hayes
- 2005: Government of Manitoba
- 2002: DMTI Spatial
- 1991: Michael Swift
ACMLA Papers Award Recipients
- 2014: "A Map and Nine Makers" by Barbara Belyea, in Bulletin no. 144.
- 2012: "Searching for Early Maps: Use of Online Library Catalogs," by Joel Kovarsky, in Bulletin no. 138
- 2012: "The Maps of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Information," by Cathy Moulder, in Bulletin no. 142
- 2009: "A New Life for Old Charts," by P. Louise Buck, in Bulletin no. 131
- 2008: "Map Mashups and the rise of Amateur Cartographers and Mapmakers," by Elise
Pietroniro and Darlene Fichter, in Bulletin no. 127
- 2007: "Putting Literacy into Geographic Information," by Jennifer Marvin &
Marcel Fortin, in Bulletin no. 125
- 2006: "Remote Sensing Issues at the Supreme Court of Canada," by Susan McKee,
in Bulletin no. 123
- 2002: "Displaying (and using) high resolution images of maps on the World Wide Web,"
by Marcel Fortin, in Bulletin no. 112
- 2001: "Data Acquisitions Issues: the Canadian Map Libraries' Perspective," by Richard
Pinnell, in Bulletin no. 107
- 1996: "The Day it Rained All Night in the Cartographic Vault: Lessons in Disaster
Preparedness and Recovery at the National Archives of Canada," by Edward H. Dahl, Greg Hill, and Mary E.
Murphy, in Bulletin no. 94
- 1993: "Training Student Assistants for Reference Service in a Map Library," by Cathy
Moulder, in Bulletin no. 85
- 1991: "MAC Mapping in the Map Library," by Colleen Beard in Bulletin no.76
- 1986: "Association of Canadian Map Libraries 19th Annual Conference Conservation Workshop,"
by Carol Marley, in Bulletin no. 55
ACMLA Student Paper Award Recipients
- 2014: "Samuel de Champlain - Maps as Texts," by Allison M. Smith, MA student in the Public History Program, Carleton University. Published in Bulletin no. 147.
- 2012: "The Imperfect Triangle: Africa in the Nineteenth-Century American Family Atlas," by Joelle Reiniger History student, University of Alberta. Published in Bulletin no. 141.
- 2011: "A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words: A Historical Look at the New France Maps of Nicolas Sanson," by Ryan Slipetz History student, McMaster University. Published in Bulletin no. 138
- 2010: "GeoLibraries, a Review: The Challenge of Maintaining an Organizational Standard Alongside the Promotion of Interoperability and Access," by Francine Berish, McGill University School of Information Studies. Published in Bulletin no.137
- 2009: No award
- 2008: "'Second to the right, and straight on till morning' (Barrie) Geospatial Visualization and Children's Literature," by James Ripley, University of Western Ontario School of Library and Information Studies. Published in Bulletin no. 132
- 2007: " The Development of MapTrader.Net: A Venue for the Global Exchange of Duplicate and Unwanted Maps," by Linda McClure, University of Alberta, School of Library
and Information Studies, in Bulletin no. 128
- 2006: No award
- 2005: No award